About Us


Don't have a clue about design ideas? Let's use our creative skills to create an image that will help your business stand out and excel in a competitive market. It gets a lot easier once you are presented with something. Plus, with our free revision rounds included in your service, you will be able to request changes or edits to anything you would like. It is your business, your brand, and we want to make sure you are happy and proud of the image your company reflects.
We can provide awesome designs for your business logo, business cards, flyers, banners, letterheads, brochures, websites, etc. We also offer high-quality prints that look and feel amazing in your hands. We are your one-stop-shop for everything graphic design.

Graphic Designing

We can provide awesome designs for your business logo, business cards, flyers, banners, letterheads, brochures, websites, etc. We also offer high-quality prints that look and feel amazing in your hands. We are your one-stop-shop for everything graphic design.

Digital Marketing

Allow me to assist you in developing an internet marketing plan that will bring more quality visits to your site and convert those visitors into leads and sales. What exactly are you waiting for? Contact me to begin ruling the internet.

Web Development

With extensive experience in design and development of websites, we can design and develop standard and custom websites for businesses, institutions and organisations of all sizes and budgets. We design and develop an eye-catching

Our Story

Our Story

The Pandemic, whether we like it or not, affected all of us somehow. In my case, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was an employee working the early shift and doing online school in the evenings working towards a bachelor’s degree in IT. When the Pandemic hit, I still had a year of school left and my wife was eight months pregnant. Not knowing the actual situation with the virus, I decided to take an early leave from work in March of 2020 to protect my wife and my soon-to-be-born baby from infection. Fast forward to April 18, 2020, the world is in full quarantine, my baby had been born the previous day, and I get a call from work notifying me that I would be getting laid off. There are plenty of ways to react to a situation like that.

I decided to start developing a plan. I had to bring income somehow and finish school. Quitting was not an option. I had always wanted to start a business, but fear of leaving my secure salary and failing kept me from making the jump. Well, life had other plans and forced me out of my job, whether or not I liked it. So, what better time to start planning a business than at that moment when time seemed to be available in abundance and the internet was full of information. There was one problem, I didn’t know what the product or service would be. Since I was in grade school, I would always spend time in my room drawing anything that crossed my mind to pass the time and de-stress. I had a bone for art. I never thought of it as a career path, however. While studying for my web development class, it hit me. What if I teach myself graphic design, expand upon my natural art skills, and offer graphic design services? It was then that I decided to work on what I would discover to be my passion. Sometimes life brings everything full circle and tells you the direction you should go. It is our job to pay attention.

After some time of growing this business, I’ve discovered my second passion; helping other business-minded people chase after their dreams and for Intellect Designs to be a part of their story. I want to share the wealth, and I can help bring people’s business visions to life through art and design. It genuinely excites me when I work on a client’s project, and their reaction upon completion is to pour joy. We all have a vision, a standard for how we want our businesses represented. My creative skill can help my clients meet that standard. A well-designed logo attracts the eye and raises curiosity about a company. It makes people wonder what the business is about, and when they remember a business, the logo is one of the first things that come to mind. I believe wholeheartedly that an awesome logo can help increase conversions and make a business stand out above the rest. I will be more than happy to help brand your logo and create an image for your business that will make you proud.

Marcos did an awesome job with my ideas and made a great design for my business. Definitely recommend him. give him a call!

Phx solar gleam N Clean

come back to him every time. creative and very detailed. Articulate about his work. Easy to get along with. Highly recommended.

Jon Rodriguez

He exceeded my expectations, its more than I expected and is exactly what envisioned. I'm do pleased with the outcome. I knew I made the right decision this time. This one will go above my shop.

Dora's kisses

Marcos helped me with my logo for my clothing line. I'm trying to start designs came out the way I wanted it and was completed in a reasonable time would recommend for future use.

Gregrion edison

Our Team.

Hasib sharif
General Manager
Jonson Leo
Leio Man
Robert Front
CEO Founder
Legender Mao
3D Visualization
Matt Huk
3D Visualization

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